- January 9, 2020
Location: Criminal Justice Training Center, Room 201C, 19010 1st Ave. S, Burien, WA
Meeting Materials (all pdf unless noted otherwise)
- Draft Agenda – January 9
- January Meeting Summary – accepted as final 2.6.20
- Criminal Sentencing Task Force – December 2019 Initial Report – Final version
- Sentencing Presentation Outline
- Presentation Handouts:
- A prosecutor’s perspective of sentencing
- Defense Attorney Perspective: Multipliers
- Department of Corrections (external link to video) – PBS News Hour: A personalized approach to probation saved AZ $461 million
- Legislation Working Group – draft Bills
- February 6, 2020
Location: Washington State Liquor & Cannabis Board, 1st floor Suites, 1025 Union Ave SE, Olympia, WA
Meeting Materials (all pdf unless noted otherwise):
- DRAFT Agenda
- DRAFT February meeting summary
- Presentation Handouts
- Judges – Judges Roger Rogoff and Veronica Alicea-Galvan, Sentencing Grid D: For crimes committed after July 24, 1999
- Victims of Crime – DeVitta Briscoe
- Statewide Reentry Council
- March 19, 2020
No Task Force meeting.
Zoom meetings for Reentry and Reducing Recidivism Working Group and Sentencing Effectiveness Working Group
Materials for the Sentencing Effectiveness Working Group:
- Making Sense of Sentencing: State Systems and Policies, June 2015, National Conference of State Legislatures
- Trends in Sentencing and Corrections: State Legislation, July 2013, National Conference of State Legislatures
- Washington Sentencing Reform: The Fundamentals, March 2020, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
- Facts about Individuals in Confinement, September 2019, Department of Corrections
- April 16, 2020
Meeting Materials (PDF unless noted otherwise)
- DRAFT Agenda
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- CSTF Groundrules
- 2018 Adult Disproportionality Report – prepared by Caseload Forecast Council
- Presentations:
- May 7, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless noted otherwise)
- Draft Agenda
- Facilitation Team presentation
- Draft April meeting Summary
- Reentry & Reducing Recidivism Working Group materials
- June 4, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless noted otherwise)
- Draft Agenda
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Draft May meeting summary
- Sentencing Effectiveness Working Group materials
- Presentations
- SRA Overview – prepared by Caseload Forecast Council
- Grid Working Group Update – prepared by Washington State Institute for Public Policy
- July 9, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless noted otherwise)
- Draft agenda
- Draft June meeting summary
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Community Supervision Presentation– prepared by Department of Corrections
- Reentry and Reducing Recidivism Working group materials
- Sentencing Effectiveness Working group materials
- August 6, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless noted otherwise)
- Draft agenda
- Draft July meeting summary
- Sentencing Effectiveness Working group materials
- Reentry and Reducing Recidivism Working group materials
- September 10, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting– link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless noted otherwise)
- Draft Agenda
- Draft August meeting summary
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Draft potential recommendations for consideration on 9/10
- Draft potential recommendations (full list as of 9/10)
- Draft sentencing grid research proposal
- Sentencing Effectiveness Working group materials
- Reentry and Reducing Recidivism Working group materials
- September 17, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting– link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials
- Draft Agenda
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Draft potential recommendations for consideration on 9/17
- Draft potential recommendations (full list as of 9/11)
- September 10 draft meeting summary
- October 1, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless otherwise noted)
- Draft Agenda
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Draft potential recommendations for consideration on 10/1
- Draft potential recommendations (full list as of 9/24)
- Earned Release Time Information – prepared by Clela Steelhammer, Caseload Forecast Council
- September 17 draft meeting summary
- October 15, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless otherwise noted)
- Draft agenda
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Draft potential recommendations (full list as of 10/9)
- October 1 draft meeting summary
- November 5, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting– link to recording on TVW
Meeting materials (PDF unless otherwise noted)
- DRAFT Agenda
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Task Force timeline for November and December
- Draft combined potential recommendations – updated 10.20.20
- October 15 draft meeting summary
- November 19, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting Materials (PDF unless otherwise noted)
- Draft agenda
- Draft combined potential recommendations – updated 11.6.20
- November 5 draft meeting summary
- December 3, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting Materials (PDF unless otherwise noted)
- Draft agenda
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Draft potential recommendations – updated 12.2.20
- Draft 2020 Report – as of 11.30.20
- November 19 draft meeting summary
- December 17, 2020
Virtual Zoom meeting – link to recording on TVW
Meeting Materials (PDF unless otherwise noted)
- Draft agenda
- CSTF 12.17.2020 Meeting Summary
- Facilitation Team Presentation
- Draft 2020 report – as of 12.10.20
- SGC Increased Earned Time 1-pager (prepared by DOC)